
Showing posts from March, 2018

A Week In the Life

"What do you do all day?" is a common question I get. While it is hard to fully explain our life in St. Vincent, here's a peek at what an average week looks like for us. Of course, this life is pretty unpredictable, so some weeks look a little different. Sunday: On Sunday we attend Grace Community Baptist Church. We love our church here! We have said on multiple occasions that we wish we could just bring our church with us back to the states. Being a part of GCBC has been such a wonderful, faith-growing experience. It was also a bit of a culture shock at first. I grew up in New England, where people barely say "Amen" in a church service. Here, most people are pretty vocal. Luke and I have also had the privilege of being involved in our church. Luke taught the adult Sunday School class once, but usually, he ushers every few weeks, opens the service in prayer, or does special music with another man in the church. I have had the opportunity to fill in and teac...